Rank Certification is an important and respected credential in the world of martial arts. It serves as a testament to a practitioner’s dedication, skill, and knowledge of their chosen martial art. As such, the United Tang Soo Do Association has developed a comprehensive Certification Program designed to elevate professional standards, enhance individual performance, and recognize students who possess the necessary skills and knowledge to provide quality instruction.

Rank certification with UTSDA is a rigorous and challenging process that requires individuals to demonstrate their proficiency in various aspects of Tang Soo Do, including techniques, forms, sparring, self-defense, and weapons. The program is designed to ensure that certified practitioners have a deep understanding of the art and can effectively teach it to others.

One of the primary goals of the UTSDA is to elevate professional standards in Tang Soo Do. This is achieved by ensuring that certified instructors have the necessary knowledge, skills, and teaching abilities to provide high-quality instruction. UTSDA also encourages ongoing professional development, with opportunities for instructors to further their education and expand their knowledge.

Ultimately, the UTSDA recognizes Tang Soo Do students who have demonstrated exceptional knowledge, skill, and dedication to the art. Certified practitioners serve as role models and leaders in the Tang Soo Do community, inspiring others to pursue their own martial arts goals and aspirations.