7th Dan, Senior International Master Carole Smith started her 46 year martial arts career in 1971, in Montgomery , Alabama. She was the first female in Tang Soo Do in the southern area, first female black belt, and first female studio owner. Her instructors were Ki Yul Yu and Grandmaster Hwang Kee. Carole Smith assisted Master Yu in teaching through high school, and also taught classes while in college.

Master Smith has a passion for teaching children’s self defense, and created her own ASK MOM FIRST program with escape techniques that children of any age can use. She also loves breaking, and won the World Breaking Championships by breaking baseball bats with her shin, and spinning on broken glass breaking concrete with the top of her foot. Master Smith also loves teaching hyungs because of our history and Tang Soo Do traditionalism. She has dedicated her life to teaching Tang Soo Do, and looks forward to meeting all United Tang Soo Do  Association  members!