One of the most important lessons I have learned over the years is persistence. In our Tang Soo Do 7 tenets we refer to Perseverance and in our 5 codes we exclaim ‘No retreat in Battle’. An important aspect to consider is that both of these refer to persistence.
Often we don’t readily see the benefits of persistence but with faith in ourselves, others and/or a process we can overcome almost any obstacle. Imagine seeing a single drop of water fall and hit a large rock. No big deal right? Seems insignificant? Now imagine a single drop of water hitting a large rock in the same spot over and over again. Now imagine this happening over and over through time. Eventually the drops of water wear away the rock at the point of impact.
I once taught an adult student who had a difficulty learning the Tang Soo Do basic curriculum. To add to the already difficult situation, we also had a language barrier as she was from Panama and her native language was not English. I never forgot this student because it took her 3 months of private lessons twice a week to learn the first basic form.
This was a lesson in patience and persistence for me because week after week I was challenged to try to present the material in a way that this student would understand. For the student, it was a lesson in persistence because knowing that each class was a struggle, she would faithfully attend.
One day we had a breakthrough. It finally occurred to me thy this student thought in Spanish and by constantly trying to translate my instructions into English, it was inhibiting her ability to learn. That day I began to teach her in a non verbal manner and she learned the form and eventually was promoted to 8th Gup.
In your Tang Soo Do training, you’ll experience many achievements and also obstacles from time to time. Remember that no matter if it’s an injury, a technique that you just can’t seem to get right or feeling that youll never make that next promotion in rank, you can overcome it by continuing your investment of time and effort. Like those drops of water, keep at it and you will get the results you want.
Kevin Case is president of the United Tang Soo Do Association. Visit Master Case’s Association website at www.unitedtangsoodo.com